Beautiful PUMI puppies are already looking for the best owners after their show-successful parents (the mother is a multi-champion and is also dedicated to agility and herding). 8 puppies were born (…
PumireinrassigZucht "Bohemia Vivace"1 Jahr 3 Monate alt
CZ-46821 Maršovice - Cizkovice 1.dil - Reichenberger Region
Unsere Babys wachsen wohlbehütet in der Familie auf, die Welpen besuchen Welpen-Yoga-Kurse, um eine gute Sozialisierung für ihr zukünftiges Leben zu erreichen.
ihr zukünftiges Leben! Unsere Hunde…
Cocker Spaniel/LabradoodleMischlingZucht "Bohemia Luxury"1 Jahr 4 Monate alt
We have 7 puppies born on 15.4 and some of them are still available. Our Cookie is Labradoodle F3 standard size. Her parents imported from England. We are doing agility with her.Father of the puppies…