Puppies are available at SPOMI Kennel, Hungary. The puppies were born on15.04.2024. The parents have all required health screening tests done with negative results. Both parents have multi-champion…
English Springer SpanielreinrassigZucht "Spomi kennel"10 Monate 3 Wochen alt
We have a liver white boy FULL OF JOY Three Ponds Valley - "Mati" available. The puppy was born on May 12, 2023. The boy has a happy and a super springer character. He is very friendly,…
English Springer SpanielreinrassigZucht "Three Ponds Valley"1 Jahr 10 Monate alt
We have a liver white girl FIRST LADY Three Ponds Valley - "Lucy" available. The puppy was born on May 12, 2023. The boy has a happy and a super springer character. He is very friendly,…
English Springer SpanielreinrassigZucht "Three Ponds Valley"1 Jahr 10 Monate alt
Der englische Springer Spaniel-Welpe Kan sucht immer noch nach einem Zuhause für Àlom.
👑Königlicher Gewinner Adonis 👑
Zuallererst wünsche ich mir einen Besitzer, der ihn nicht nur liebt, sondern…
English Springer SpanielreinrassigZucht "Royal Winner"1 Jahr 9 Monate alt