Beautiful PUMI puppies are already looking for the best owners after their show-successful parents (the mother is a multi-champion and is also dedicated to agility and herding). 8 puppies were born (…
PumireinrassigZucht "Bohemia Vivace"1 Jahr 3 Monate alt
CZ-46821 Maršovice - Cizkovice 1.dil - Reichenberger Region
American Akita with pedigree - the kennel Pearl River, with 28 years of experience with the breed, offers a female and male puppies with a pedigree from show-successful and temperamentally balanced…
American AkitareinrassigZucht "Pearl River"1 Jahr 5 Monate alt
American Akita with pedigree - the kennel Pearl River, with 28 years of experience with the breed, offers a female puppy with a pedigree from show-successful and temperamentally balanced parents. She…
American AkitareinrassigZucht "Pearl River"2 Jahre 5 Monate alt