Anzeige vom 08.11.22
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Nr. 258204582
utca 1, HU-1011 Budapest
My name is Dr. István Szollár. After getting my degree at the University of Veterinary Medicine I settled down in Mezőhegyes in 1970. From 1970 to 2001 I worked for Ménesbirtok as a veterinarian and supervisor of the horse-breeding and horse-riding branches. I specialized in reproduction in 2004 and have been working for Génbank-Semex Hungary Ltd. as chief veterinarian since 2001.
Let me introduce my kennels history in short...
I got in contact with Dr Imre Ócsag, widely-recognized expert of Hungarian dog breeds first as a child since he was a close friend of my family, then later through our collaboration in horse breeding. He knew about my family’s adoration for Puli breed and my environment in Mezőhegyes favourable to dog breeding, therefore he recommended me to continue our family tradition and start breeding dogs that seemed compatible with both my veterinary practice and professional experiences gained in horse breeding.
He provided effective help at the very beginning when he got me a proven male, Határszéli Góbé (The eponym male of my kennel. Góbé, as a coverer greatly in demand, as Csaba Arany describe him in his book "The history of the puli", had an improving effect for the the breeding of the fawn with masked pulis.) from dr Tóth Emilné and selected the first female puppy, Királyvölgyi Boróka as a partner for him. Góbéfalvi Boriska was their offspring.
Beside the two fawn dogs with masks I purchased a temperamental black female, Tóthszilvási Ada and selected Gerendási Ati as breeding partner for her. Góbéfalvi Csárdás was born from them.
The next step was the breeding of my own male and female, Csárdás and Boriska, out of which Góbéfalvi Eszti was born.
I did my best to select an outcross, unfavoured male for her in order to breed a new lineage. Attractive appearance and good nervous system were also among my prior selection criteria and Templomkerti Cirkusz absolutely met these requirements.
Góbéfalvi Aba born from Templomkerti Cirkusz and Góbéfalvi Eszti’s mating became my kennel’s dominant male. He ranked excellent I. CAC of the open male class in the European Championship on May 9, 1993.
Let me introduce my kennels history in short...
I got in contact with Dr Imre Ócsag, widely-recognized expert of Hungarian dog breeds first as a child since he was a close friend of my family, then later through our collaboration in horse breeding. He knew about my family’s adoration for Puli breed and my environment in Mezőhegyes favourable to dog breeding, therefore he recommended me to continue our family tradition and start breeding dogs that seemed compatible with both my veterinary practice and professional experiences gained in horse breeding.
He provided effective help at the very beginning when he got me a proven male, Határszéli Góbé (The eponym male of my kennel. Góbé, as a coverer greatly in demand, as Csaba Arany describe him in his book "The history of the puli", had an improving effect for the the breeding of the fawn with masked pulis.) from dr Tóth Emilné and selected the first female puppy, Királyvölgyi Boróka as a partner for him. Góbéfalvi Boriska was their offspring.
Beside the two fawn dogs with masks I purchased a temperamental black female, Tóthszilvási Ada and selected Gerendási Ati as breeding partner for her. Góbéfalvi Csárdás was born from them.
The next step was the breeding of my own male and female, Csárdás and Boriska, out of which Góbéfalvi Eszti was born.
I did my best to select an outcross, unfavoured male for her in order to breed a new lineage. Attractive appearance and good nervous system were also among my prior selection criteria and Templomkerti Cirkusz absolutely met these requirements.
Góbéfalvi Aba born from Templomkerti Cirkusz and Góbéfalvi Eszti’s mating became my kennel’s dominant male. He ranked excellent I. CAC of the open male class in the European Championship on May 9, 1993.
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